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Showing posts from 2013

Ojdeploy : Tuning exercise

First of all all the tuning I am doing is for out continuous integration server because I build time have hit 25 minutes on the solaris 11 machine (on my desktop the same build it takes 11 minutes). So where I am working is in the "ojdeploy.conf" file located in [jdev location]/jdev/bin Finding most java settings make a difference and mostly Using jrockit I have got it down to 21 minutes AddVMOption -Xmx1g AddVMOption -Xms1g AddVMOption -Xverify:none AddVMOption Fastest solaris build so far is on the standard 32-bit jdk - weighing in at 18 minutes AddVMOption AddVMOption -Xmx1g AddVMOption -Xms1g AddVMOption -Dsun.awt.disablegrab=false AddVMOption -XX:MaxPermSize=512M SetJavaHome /usr/java AddVMOption -Xverify:none AddVMOption AddVMOption -XX:PermSize=128m will update with my findings but parameters like largePages, parallel gc, -server etc just seem to m...

ADF: postChanges delete parent and children in the same transaction programmatically

I was doing a simple mater details delete with some code and no matter what I did the parent delete got called before the child, then I remembered post changes (this.getDBTransaction().postChanges();) and called it after deleting the children. And that is how postChanges saved my life. Code for fun...         Key key = new Key(new Object[] { objectId });         Row[] rows = getParentVO().findByKey(key, 1);         if (rows != null && rows.length > 0) {             ParentVORowImpl parent = (ParentVORowImpl) rows[0];             RowIterator rowIterator = parent.getChildVO();             removeRows(rowIterator);             this.getDBTransaction().postChanges();             parent.remove();             this.getDBTransaction...

ADF css agent

This is different for different versions of browsers but here is what works for me: @agent ie - Internet Explorer - all gecko - firefox webkit - chrome @platform window, linux, macos ,  solaris - self explanatory @version I use this mostly for ie 6, 7, 8, 9 etc work for the separate versions Have not tried this but should work: @agent (touchScreen:none) @agent (touchScreen:single) @agent (touchScreen)

Oracle open world day 4 - final

Keynote device embedded intellegence - internet of things, funny stuff about sensors on cows, intellegent sensors, analytics. Adf architecture - most stuff found on architecture site ( ) Adf scalability - opss cache, mds configuration, jrockit mission control,, cdn, coherence. A team has some interesting ideas but one hour is not enough to go into detail. Feet are now officially sore and if I hear internet of things, big data or cloud again it will be too soon. All in all a good conference learned some stuff met some people.

Oracle open world 2013 - day 3

Keynote - modern customer experience to start off my day. ADF fusion architecture manage the modular approach - a bit of information overload on this one but good ideas never the less. Take home fact use artifactory again. Real world adf implementations - wow talk of the day TIA the Danish company did a forms migration in a year very impressive (had help from AMIS) still good though. The german guy from BA just wow one of the most impressive systems I have seen. Approached in exactly the way I think adf should be used  he spoke of the industrilization of software and a framework on top of ADF great. Then the Aussies doing mobile Colab really impressive set of technologies and challenges security using saml. Really great stuff  all around BI publisher - nice overview I really need to do more with our implementation. Hacking your way to a better application - good ideas but mostly a basic overview

Oracle open world day 2

Went to the hcm keynote On mobile and social for two reasons - one I find that the fusion apps stuff gives us a good view on what new features we will get in adf and webcenter also it gives you a good idea in what end users want in an application. What I saw was really impressive the mobile interface is slick and feature rich. Also I have a history with hcm applications so it was good. Then it was on to a user panel on webcenter content the panel of guests where kind of new to content(one only went into production this month) so it was kind of basic but good. The customer feedback dos and donts could not have more rich. The I attended a talk by Sten Vesterli of scott tiger - a very good basics talk on 10 "secrets" of a sucessful adf project. If you are not following these rules you should be. But again very basic. 1. Catalog what components you use and how 2. Under promise over deliver 3. Use poc 4. Package 5. Extend 6. Get and use a wiki 7. Nutcracker this is a de...

Oracle open world 2013 : Day 1

So far so good made it to San Francisco alive will post some feedback on sessions here Keynote on big data : good ideas hadoop nosql integration. Data is our future. Very Cloudy. Not a good start to the Web Center overview few technical presentation problems, turn out not too bad in the end. Adaptive design and enhanced search. Sites looks good on the new version. Form factor really... Oracle ADF Applications in Multiple Layers - best presentation of the day in my opinion focussed on MDS very informative made me realize a post of the mysteries of mds is long overdue. Simplifying Architecture the Restful way - Going to be good when we are on 12c release and this is available. Solaris App performance on Solaris - good tips here on mainly focussed on C++ dev.

ADF: PS5 to PS6 upgrade which turned into a PS7 webcenter and adf upgrade

First thing I noticed is that clicking a link on a tab or menu disabled the link, had to style my tabs for this as the tab would vanish while loading - af|panelTabbed::header af|panelTabbed::tab:disabled af|panelTabbed::tab-start { background-image: url("/skins/images/my_tab_start_d.png"); } af|panelTabbed::header af|panelTabbed::tab:disabled af|panelTabbed::tab-content { background-image: url("/skins/images/my_tab_mid_d.png"); } af|panelTabbed::header af|panelTabbed::tab:disabled af|panelTabbed::tab-end { background-image: url("/skins/images/my_tab_end_d.png"); } The other problem was with some really old code that had only transient attributes in a vo - after 5 minutes on a screen and reclicking we would get a null pointer exception. Fixed this by marking passivate transient objects on the vo and cleaning up some old code. Also had a few navigation with web center menu errors. Skyros upgrade will take a lot of work to integrate with our s...

Shibboleth Weblogic SAML2 identity provider making it work [Work in progress...]

I am busy configuring a Weblogic Service Provider that talks to a Shibboleth implementation using SAML2 and this is a log of the problems (mostly with me) I have encountered: Problem number 1)  Unsupported binding type received: urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:profiles:AuthnRequest For this I had to remove the entry < SingleSignOnService   Binding =" urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:profiles:AuthnRequest "   Location =" https://server/idp/profile/Shibboleth/SSO " />  in the metadata file I received from my idp and re upload to the   Identity Provider Partners   section in weblogic. This was the stack trace: SecuritySAML2Service  exception info Unsupported binding type received: urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:profiles:AuthnRequest at at

Solaris 11 : Web Center installation problem

We ran into a problem running the web center installation on Solaris 11 yesterday and I need to document this for my own sake. The installation would fail all prerequisite checks randomly on different environments. We could just click continue and the install would be fine or run with ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPreReqs. Our sys admin ran a trace and we tracked the problem down to a file being generated a run time using the sysdef -i command. This showed us that IPC Semaphores module is not loaded. Just running the ipcs -a command before we install fixed the error for us and generated the correct size of file and made everything work - amazing.

Adventures in F5, OHS and weblogic So I wanted to enable ssl between my F5 and ohs and between ohs and my weblogic. I needed to do this because we redirect 80 to https on the F5 and I had a couple of external web services deployed. When you deploy the web service and are using https only on the F5 and http pass through to the rest your wsdl url will be secure but you may not be able to easily generate services from the wsdl (because the content of the wsdl will all point to http which we blocked). IMPORT your certificates into a new wallet - using orapki - So on your F5   Make sure you point to the ohs on the secure socket port (4443 by default).   Easiest way to block http is with a https redirect iRule (

Webcenter BI integration

I followed this document: The only to comment (FRUSTRATED the hell out of me) 1) Add the bi libraries to your portal before you embark on the above guide : 2) I kept getting an error: Caused by: javax.naming.NamingException [Root exception is Authentication error. An invalid User Name or Password was entered.] For some reason (I still need to investigate) the security does NOT work without impersonation for me. So I had to create my users on the bi server before everything could work.

Web Center: using a custom security provider other than LDAP [custom identity store]

So far everything looks like it will work I am just using the default auth provider and UCM is picking up my groups on login so now to integrate with Web center and use my custom auth provider. Custom authentication provider is done and I can log in to my content server and application and everything is working. The snag is not of the webcenter custom profile pictures and webcenter goodies are working (it uses the JpsContextFactory etc and that ignores my provider and looks up the default weblogic provider and tries to use that). I have replaced the identity store with a custom database implementation and everything seems to work [after a LOT of debugging]. Ok so step 1) The custom authentication provider - tons od documentation on how to do this eg: ,  so I am not going to rehash this if you want I can post some code but it shoul...

Adding a custom attribute WebCenter menu...

Find the schema section in your menu xml --> ie default-navigation-model.xml Add a descriptor:     <descriptor shortLabelKey="TITLE.SHORT_PROMPT_KEY" multivalue="false"                 attributeId="NewAtrr" labelKey="TITLE.PROMPT_KEY"                 endUserVisible="true" searchable="true"                 xmlns=""/> Note: you can change the  shortLabelKey and labelKey by adding a resourceBundle="..." but that is another post.... Looks a bit like this: <schema resourceBundle="oracle.adf.rc.attribute.nls.AttributeBundle"           xmlns="">     <descriptor shortLabelKey="TITLE.SHORT_PROMPT_KEY" multivalue="false"                 attributeId="Title" labelKey="TITLE.PROM...

Automated remote deployment of Webcenter ear to our development enviroment

All the usual undeploy / stop start code worked remotely but unfortunately the deploy was not going as planned - I wanted to set the MDS info on deployment so it was time for a new plan. So this time on our build server would call WLST to deploy our web center app on the development weblogic enviroment. Wlst commands I used: Connect   connect('weblogic','bobsentme', ''t3://remote.wl:7001') Stop   shutdown('ManagedServer1', force='true') Start   start(start('WC_Cluster', 'Cluster', 't3://remote.wl:7001')); Deploy archive = getMDSArchiveConfig(fromLocation='/tmp/pathto.ear') archive.setAppMetadataRepository(repository='mds-CustomDS', partition='dev_partition', type='DB', jndi='jdbc/mds/CustomDS')"); deploy(appName='OurAppName', path='/tmp/pathto.ear', targets='WC_Cluster', stageMode='stage',   upload=...

Java: Active directory paging code

Forgive some of the bad code this was a quick script and a reminder to self on how to do this: (note this code changes all the AD users passwords so be careful) package common.jndi; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.naming.ldap.Control; import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext; import javax.naming.ldap.PagedResultsControl; import javax.naming.ldap.PagedResultsResponseControl; public class ModifyLdapUserScript     extends LdapBase {     public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 999;     private static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD ...

ADF: Design view not rendering tags

Ok so I had two problems today with design view. 1) None of my tags where rendering in design view - This was a dependent library problem.   I had added the web center libraries manually to my project and had somehow removed the personalization   library this lead to a ClassNotFound error in my message log simple to fix once you know where to look. 2) Second problem vexed me for a while my c:set jstl tag libraries where just NOT rendering correctley in design view. This turned out to be a checkbox Execute Tags in JSP Visual Editor was unchecked. [Project Properties > JSP Tag Libraries]

ADF: Scroll down to item on your page

I wanted to scroll down to a component in my page and first tried anchor which just did not work on mu input driven screen. So I tried the af:scrollComponentIntoViewBehavior on my command link and it just worked. <af:commandLink id="c_cert" text="certify" >   <af:scrollComponentIntoViewBehavior componentId="sbc4" focus="true" subTargetId="content"/> </af:commandLink> ... long content <af:selectBooleanCheckbox value="false" clientComponent="true" id="sbc4"/> Note: don't do this with anchors on a non read only content page it just get messy

ADF: Logger timestamp included

I am doing some performance testing and needed to look at the times produced by the ADF Diagnostic logging items. Analyze log was not good enough because it is too slow to find the grouped info I needed. So step one) I loaded my Configure Oracle Diagnostic logging (action menu in the log window) and went straight to the source tab At the top of the logging .xml file there is an entry <log_handler name='console-handler' class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ConsoleHandler' level='ALL'   formatter='oracle.core.ojdl.weblogic.ConsoleFormatter' /> it need to be to see the logs in all there glory with timestamps etc <log_handler name='console-handler' class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ConsoleHandler' level='ALL'/>

Oracle Diagnotics logging turning it off : Logging.xml

I mistakenly put oracle Root logger to finest which of course crashed everything. So I restarted JDev then restarted Weblogic horror the setting was still set. Great so now I could not work. Solution (thanks google and this oracle doc  ): located the logging.xml file in your integrated weblogic server: C:\Users\[your user]\AppData\Roaming\JDeveloper\system11.\DefaultDomain\config\fmwconfig\servers\DefaultServer Edit it and remove the offending log leve setting. (mine was <logger name='oracle'/ level='FINEST'> ==> <logger name='oracle'/>) All fixed and working again...

Webcenter PS5 migration - Iterative Development setting

Noticed that this setting was different when comparing a newly created ps5 portal project and our current project, might save some time for someone: In Portal.jws file near the end. Old        <hash n="oracle.webcenter.dt.config.WebCenterSettings">       <value n="iterativeDevelopment" v="false"/>      </hash> New       <hash n="oracle.webcenter.dt.config.WebCenterSettings">       <value n="iterativeDevelopment" v="true"/>    </hash> Or for those with less of an affinity for source :

Webcenter Menu: invalidate cache

We where getting an exception when executing some code that worked on PS3 on PS5. (We are reconstructing our menu based on user roles and we can masquerade as another user on click of a button) The stack trace of the error included: <SiteStructureResource><getChildren> javax.naming.NamingException [Root exception is java.lang.NullPointerException] at oracle.adfinternal.rc.jndi.CatalogContextWrapper.listBindings( at oracle.adfinternal.rc.jndi.CatalogContextWrapper.listBindings( Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at oracle.adfinternal.rc.jndi.FolderContext.loadCache( at oracle.adf.rc.spi.jndi.InMemoryContext.checkCacheLoaded( at oracle.adfinternal.rc.jndi.FolderContext.loadCache( java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor916.invoke(Unknown Source)   public v...

Oracle XE problems

Had a few issues when trying to connect to oracle xe installed by another user Getting sqlplus to work set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server set ORACLE_SID=XE set PATH=C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\11.2.0\server\bin;%PATH% Connecting as sysdba to change password (ORA-01031: insufficient privileges)  Type Edit local users in your start menu search bar (Select the first one in the Control panel group)  Click Groups  Select ORA_DBA  Add your user here  sqlplus / as sysdba from the command prompt with all above variables set   alter user SYS identified by "newpassword";

OJdeploy: Faster ant build tuning

If you want a quicker ojdeploy experience and you are not on 11.1.2.... and using OJServer the following may help you (along with ojdeply Memory Settings should give you the best you are going to get without splitting the build up and running in parallel): The more you consolidate your deploys under a single ojdeploy the faster the build: eg: the first one should be slower     <ora:ojdeploy xmlns:ora="oraclelib:OJDeployAntTask"                   executable="${ojdeploy.path}" failonerror="true"                   ora:statuslog="${basedir}/${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/${}-ojdeploy-statuslog.xml"                   ora:buildscript="${basedir}/${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/ojdeploy-buil...

Tuning ojdepoy memory settings etc

Ojdeploy uses /jdev/bin/jdev.conf which in turn uses /ide/bin/ide.conf do any changes made here will make an impact on ojdeploy. If you want to add something to improve performance extra memory or different gc try changing these files and see if it makes any difference for you: Example: AddVMOption -Xmx3G AddVMOption -Xms1G AddVMOption -Xgc:throughput Also I have found when using an ant task to call ojdeploy the less you invoke it the better the performance - so I guess an exec with a buildfile would work the fastest. - yet to take metrics so don't quote me on this just yet...

Warning: weblogic.servlet.internal.dd.compliance.ComplianceException: The filter-mapping with url-pattern="/oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages/*" must specify a non-empty filter-name.

Somehow I managed to delete the webCenterLoginCountFilter from my web.xml and was getting a warning when I tried to compile adding the filter back solved problem. Warning: weblogic.servlet.internal.dd.compliance.ComplianceException: The filter-mapping with url-pattern="/oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages/*" must specify a non-empty filter-name. into production

We implemented PS5 (from PS3) into production this weekend and all seems to be going smoothly. I have got to say this has been one of the better ADF/ Webcenter upgrades I have done. Lets hope 12c is around the corner for another challenge.

ADF: Minor PS3 - PS5 bug

I could not access the security tab on my Webcenter admin console and was getting a  error which was cause by: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException     at (     at   We have a mapping from JNDI role to Administrator and it had this under members of the app role: <member>   <class></class>  <name>Administrators</name> </member> Removed this and all is good again. Reference :

MANIFEST.MF merge JDeveloper for an executable jar

Goto your project > properties. Then click on deployment in the menu. Edit or add a jar deployment profile. Fill in the details under jar options (select Include manifest and give it a main class name) Also remember that the merge functionality only works with a BLANK line at the end of the merge file. REALLY this caught me. My merge file contents: Class-Path: commons-codec-1.3.jar [...empty line here CRLF...]

Webcenter folder not working NullPointerException

Our WebCenter portal has a custom menu and when clicking on a folder link I got an empty popup then next click a NullPointerException. Fix just added a check and disable the links we where using if they are not navigable. <af:commandLink id="mnuCbx"       actionListener="#{navigationBean.processAction}"       blocking="true" action="pprnav"       disabled="#{!node.navigable}">     <af:outputText value="#{node.title}" id="pt_ot2"/>     <f:attribute name="node" value="#{node}"/>     <f:attribute name="treeLink" value="#{true}"/> </af:commandLink> Very cool document - set of expressions for web center and an explanation

Webcenter install : java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jrf.wls.JRFStartup

I did a fresh install of Web Center and was starting up my managed server through the console: [Windows] I got a bunch of errors in my log file and the deployment failed. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jrf.wls.JRFStartup Fix:  Find your -should be [Weblogic Dir]\wlserver_10.3\common\nodemanager  Change the line StartScriptEnabled=false to StartScriptEnabled=true.   Everything should work If not check that you have the JFR stuff installed.

Redhat: Heirloom mail config

I wanted to add an account in mailx for my Nagios setup. Could not find any docs on it (maybe I didnt search enough) but here we go: The config file: /etc/mail.rc Just added an new account to the end of the file like such account newsmtp { set record=+Sent set from="Administrator " set smtp=smtp:// } Viola I can now in my commands.cfg config of nagios: (/usr/local/nagios/etc/objects) just add the -A projsmtp to use this account in the mail setup # 'notify-host-by-email' command definition define command{ command_name notify-host-by-email command_line /usr/bin/printf "%b" "***** Nagios *****\n\nNotification Type: $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$\nHost: $HOSTNAME$\nState: $HOSTSTATE$\nAddress: $HOSTADDRESS$\nInfo: $HOSTOUTPUT$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$\n" | /bin/mail -A newsmtp -s "** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Host Alert: $HOSTNAME$ is $HOSTSTATE$ **" $CONTACTEMAIL$ } # 'notify-se...

Oracle WebCenter licenses

After a long time trawling the internet for details on how web center licenses work (what products you can use with each license) I spotted my mistake. DONT search for WebCenter licenses search for Fusion Middleware licenses. Makes all the difference. And for the lazy (

Hudson vs Jenkins: Phase 2

Ok so in a earlier post I made a choice to go with Hudson over Jenkins for various reasons: But now the decision is back and I have decided to install Jenkins this time and so far so good.

JIRA: Exception caught in 500 page null : java.lang.NullPointerException

I imported my buzilla database into JIRA and could not search on external id field after the import. I was getting the following error in the logs: java.lang.NullPointerException         at com.atlassian.jira.issue.customfields.searchers.transformer.FreeTextCustomFieldSearchInputTransformer.validateParams( Step 1 was to remove the Freetext search from the External ID custom field. I then added the freetext search back to the custom field. I then reindexed and like magic my error went away.

Change of jira context : Confluence sharing database

Ok so I changed my context on my jira server to /jira (I had to authenticate a number of time and it was annoying me). NOTE: My jira and confluence are installed on the same machine and use the JIRA authentication database. When restarting confluence I could not log in.. bummer I updated the JIRA reference in the admin console and still no joy so I looked in the logs: /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence/logs for me. I was getting this error: com.atlassian.crowd.exception.InvalidCrowdServiceException: The following URL does not specify a valid Crowd User Management REST service: http://server:8080/rest/usermanagement/1/event       So I logged into the db and changed in the ATTRIBUTE_VALUE column to the correct new server context  http://server:8080/jira in CWD_DIRECTORY_ATTRIBUTE table where the ATTRIBUTE_NAME was crowd.server.url. Fixed my problem right up.

Weblogic: Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid

When I changed my admin password and tried to start up my managed servers I got the following (admin server was working fine): Weblogic 10.3.6 Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid ; The user name and/or password from the boot identity file ( is not valid. The boot identity may have been changed since the boot identity file was created. Please edit and update the boot identity file with the proper values of username and password. The first time the updated boot identity file is used to start the server, these new values are encrypted. Solution: Stop you managed server rename \data\ldap to  \data\ldap Restart managed servers. Worked for me

ADF: Upgrade issues from to

Firs thing I encountered was that our menu was not refreshing as it had been : as soon as we clicked on the custom menu the normal menu would no longer refresh. This is the code that was causing the problem:   So once we had done a code RichTreeTable.setValue on the tree the EL item would no longer be executed after this point. Makes sense so I just removed the setValue and perform everything through EL.

WARNING: oracle.webcenter.lifecycle.exception.LifecycleLockedException: A lock exists that prevents the export set import.

Ok, so this is and expected error in the logs, although not nice it can be ignored (IN A CLUSTER). Taken from the oracle documentation: ( This is expected behavior. When you deploy your application, the producer metadata exported into the EAR file (as a MAR file) needs to be imported into an MDS schema for use in the production environment. Importing the metadata occurs automatically during deployment. This import only needs to happen with one node in the cluster, so a lock is created to prevent other nodes in the cluster trying to perform the same operation.