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Ojdeploy : Tuning exercise

First of all all the tuning I am doing is for out continuous integration server because I build time have hit 25 minutes on the solaris 11 machine (on my desktop the same build it takes 11 minutes).

So where I am working is in the "ojdeploy.conf" file located in [jdev location]/jdev/bin

Finding most java settings make a difference and mostly

Using jrockit I have got it down to 21 minutes

AddVMOption -Xmx1g
AddVMOption -Xms1g
AddVMOption -Xverify:none

Fastest solaris build so far is on the standard 32-bit jdk - weighing in at 18 minutes

AddVMOption -Xmx1g
AddVMOption -Xms1g
AddVMOption -Dsun.awt.disablegrab=false
AddVMOption -XX:MaxPermSize=512M
SetJavaHome /usr/java
AddVMOption -Xverify:none
AddVMOption -XX:PermSize=128m

will update with my findings but parameters like largePages, parallel gc, -server etc just seem to make things worse.

And the greatest build gain so far - using parallel ant tasks, cut my build time in half.


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