We have a couple (about a hundred) of tables with the same structure (Code, Description, Create Date, Update Date).
So I wanted to do something simple so that I did not have to create all these screens
1) EO
I created the EO based on one of the tables I had that had the above columns.
I then Added a transient attribute called table name to my EO based on a groovy expression. (the expression needs to change as I am reading web tier stuff from the model layer but I will fix this later)
I then generated a java class for my EO.
And added the following overriden method to my newly created java class.
2) VO
I created a VO based on the entity we just created (including the transient attribute).
Generate a java class for this view object as you did with the EO.
Add the following code to the VOImpl just generated.
3) AM
Add the following method to your AM java impl (generate it if it does not exist):
Add the new VO to the AM.
Add this as a client interface
4) JSF
Create a page and drag your vo on add any buttons you wish.
5) Task Flow
Create a taskflow with a parameter called tablePara
6) Bean
Mark the bean as view scope in your task flow and pop this in the constructor, NOTE: This does not work in the new version just bind this to an invoke method on prepare model now and map #{pageFlowScope.tblPara} to your value in the method binding - much better idea (http://dstas.blogspot.com/2010/09/adf-11g-methodaction-and-invokeaction.html)
Map pfs = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope();
String tableName = (String) pfs.get("tblPara");
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("dynamicTableParam", tableName);
ADFUtils.executeOperationBinding("setDynamicTableParam", params);
ADFContext.getCurrent().getPageFlowScope().put("setDynamicTableParam", tableName);
Test it and see how it works - as you change the name of the input parameter to the task flow the data fetched and updated etc will be relative to the table name you supply.
Easy tesing is to create an index page with a couple of links:
I still have to but you should have all you need for this solution. If anyone has a better way of doing this feel free to shout.
So I wanted to do something simple so that I did not have to create all these screens
1) EO
I created the EO based on one of the tables I had that had the above columns.
I then Added a transient attribute called table name to my EO based on a groovy expression. (the expression needs to change as I am reading web tier stuff from the model layer but I will fix this later)
I then generated a java class for my EO.
And added the following overriden method to my newly created java class.
protected StringBuffer buildDMLStatement(int i,AttributeDefImpl[] attributeDefImpl2, AttributeDefImpl[] attributeDefImpl3, boolean b) { StringBuffer statement = super.buildDMLStatement(
AttributeDefImpl[] attributeDefImpl,i, attributeDefImpl, attributeDefImpl2, attributeDefImpl3, b);"REGIONS", getTableName())); }
return new StringBuffer(StringUtils.replace(statement.toString(),
2) VO
I created a VO based on the entity we just created (including the transient attribute).
Generate a java class for this view object as you did with the EO.
Add the following code to the VOImpl just generated.
private String dynamicTableName = "REGIONS"; protected String buildFromClause() { String fromClause = super.buildFromClause(); return StringUtils.replace(fromClause, "REGIONS", getDynamicTableName()); } public String getDynamicTableName() { return dynamicTableName; } public void setDynamicTableName(String dynamicTableName) { this.dynamicTableName = dynamicTableName; }
Add the following method to your AM java impl (generate it if it does not exist):
public void setDynamicTableParam(String dynamicTableParam) {
this.getSession().getUserData().put("dynamicTableName", dynamicTableParam);
this.getSession().getUserData().put("dynamicTableName", dynamicTableParam);
Add the new VO to the AM.
Add this as a client interface
4) JSF
Create a page and drag your vo on add any buttons you wish.
5) Task Flow
Create a taskflow with a parameter called tablePara
6) Bean
Mark the bean as view scope in your task flow and pop this in the constructor, NOTE: This does not work in the new version just bind this to an invoke method on prepare model now and map #{pageFlowScope.tblPara} to your value in the method binding - much better idea (http://dstas.blogspot.com/2010/09/adf-11g-methodaction-and-invokeaction.html)
Map pfs = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope();
String tableName = (String) pfs.get("tblPara");
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("dynamicTableParam", tableName);
ADFUtils.executeOperationBinding("setDynamicTableParam", params);
ADFContext.getCurrent().getPageFlowScope().put("setDynamicTableParam", tableName);
Test it and see how it works - as you change the name of the input parameter to the task flow the data fetched and updated etc will be relative to the table name you supply.
Easy tesing is to create an index page with a couple of links:
<af:goLink text="Generic - Regions" id="gl1" destination="/faces/adf.task-flow?adf.tfId=genericFour-tfd&adf.tfDoc=/WEB-INF/generic-tfd.xml&tblPara=REGIONS"/><af:goLink text="Generic - Regions2" id="gl2" destination="/faces/adf.task-flow?adf.tfId=genericFour-tfd&adf.tfDoc=/WEB-INF/generic-tfd.xml&tblPara=REGIONS2"/>
I still have to but you should have all you need for this solution. If anyone has a better way of doing this feel free to shout.
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