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ADF: skinning tree icons

I was struggling to override the icons on a tree with our style sheet (done pre 11.1.4) nothing I was doing was working (the icons remained) - tried using af|tree::expanded-icon-style, af|tree::expanded-icon etc.

So if anyone is struggling with this here is what I did to fix this - I just created a new style sheet using the nifty new adf style sheet item and found my tree item I wished to override. I then used the new style sheet in my app and everything worked as expected. (I suspect this was do with a spelling error but the new css editor makes this a thing of the past)

The reason for this is I want all the auto tree icons to dissapear and add my own icons to the facet to denote what each tree item is.

css source -

@namespace af "";
@namespace dvt "";

  background-image: none;
  background-image: none;


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