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ADF: weblogic cluster endless loop 401 Unauthorised _afrLoop infinite loop AGAIN

Finally fixed the third incarnation of this problem - when we deployed onto our dev cluster and our application deployed fine but when the login page was accessed the app went into an infinite loop. NOTE: Deploying onto the Admin server worked perfectly.

In the access logs you see 302 http codes with _afrLoop parameters (302 - redirect).

Really could not figure this one out. I added failover and clustering removed them. Reconfigured the security. Created a test app with one page used weblogics default security provider but still NOTHING. I even setup a cluster on my machine and everything worked (Note: I did not setup our dev cluster)

So in desperation I check the system-jazn-data.xml file deployed on weblogic an lo and behold none of my application security configurations where setup in the file. I stopped everything and added what I had on my local cluster to the system-jazn-data.xml and everything just works. I need to find out what in our dev configuration is causing the system-jazn-data.xml file not to be updated and will post here when found.

Hope this save someone some time becuase it wasted a LOT of my time.

Final Word: Always a good idea to read the documentation:

Under the heading 7.3.1 Deploying to a Test Environment

Other Considerations

When deploying an application to multiple managed servers, be sure to include the administration server so that data is migrated as expected.

This fixed it for me.


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