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ADF : Performance Tuning

I am going through a set of performance tuning exercises and so here is my plan and set of items I will address. I hope to post results for each of these steps once I have completed them. 
1)     Build
a.     Ant (Auditing only run for CI builds)
Ojdeploy64 - 45,41,42,42 seconds
Ojdeploy - 41,40,40,39 seconds
Negligible difference but non 64 bit seems a little bit faster (non scientific one project test)
b.    Maven - my maven build tests where about 10 seconds quicker than the ojdeploy builds but this is exculding the generation of some of the custom adf files.
2)     Jdeveloper
a.     Memory
AddVMOption  -Xmx1536M
AddVMOption  -Xms512M
b.    Garbage collection
AddVMOption -XX:+AggressiveOpts
AddVMOption -XX:+UseStringCache
AddVMOption -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat
AddVMOption -XX:+UseCompressedStrings
AddVMOption -XX:+ScavengeBeforeFullGC
AddVMOption -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC
AddVMOption -XX:+UseGCOverheadLimit
AddVMOption -XX:+UseCompressedOops
c.     64 bit
Install jdev with 64 bit VM.
The results for this are a bit subjective but jdev runs out of memory less and feels a bit more snappy.
3)     Weblogic
b.    Memory, JVM (jrockit)
c.     Cache
d.    Data Source
e.     Production Mode
4)     OraformsFaces performance
a.     Disable logging
b.    com.commit_consulting.oraformsfaces.UNIQUE_APPLET_PER_SESSION
c.     Forms server
5)     AM
a.     Pooling and settings
b.    Nested and shared AM’s
6)     VO
a.     Tuning parameters
b.    Read/Insert only VO’s
c.     Bind variables
d.    In memory filtering
7)     EO
a.     Batch processing
b.    Associations
8)     Logging
9)     OCI Drivers
10)  JSF
a.     Caching static stuff
b.    Templates
c.     Web.xml, Trinidad-config etc settings
d.    Compression
e.     Page Load times
I have purposefully left off any performance tuning of the DB that we have done (indexes, partitioning, etc) because there is a huge body of knowledge for this stuff and I am mainly interested in the ADF side.


  1. Thanks for consolidating all on to a single place



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