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The Exadata move

The move to Exadata and Cloud at Customer - Database: 

Why Exadata: 

Performance - Exadata is engineered to run the Oracle database, and we can now eliminate hardware as a cause of performance problems, eliminate storage latency issues.

Every feature of the Oracle Database - enough said.

Why Cloud at Customer: 

Alleviates problems with hardware and avoiding patching and hardware problems seems like a big win to me.
Data security: Unfortunately we have some very important information stored in our system and the cloud was not an option
Scalability: With PAAS we will be able to meet our horizontal scalability needs.

Interesting findings and other notes:

1) Maximum 8 VM's on the Exadata
2) Active / Active and RAC

Database conversion:
1) Character Set Conversion: there is a document and a utility (DMU), color me surprised. (

2) Varchar2 sizes and upgrade to greater than 4000 chars: With the conversion to avoid truncation we moved to 4000 char instead of bytes and extended our string size. MAX_STRING_SIZE

3) Moving nightly jobs to the database using dbms_scheduler: Ended up being quite easy, just the zipping we where doing needed a bit of effort.

4) Export import
5) Possible 18c upgrade


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