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Showing posts from February, 2012

ADF popups : Note to self

When using a popup dont have a trigger from your button onto the area in which your popup is. Behaviour: in code brought back nothing no popup and the code works elsewhere. Solution: move the popup to an area outside of the refreshed area.

Really now wtf : Jdeveloper released

Warning Rant to follow : So where is which has weblogic 10.3.6 and why two streams why not migrate the SOA/ Webcentre stuff etc to 11.1.2 and be done with it. I vote for one stream for all. Interesting addtitions: Drag and Drop on Touch Devices: On touch devices like tablets, the component drag and drop has a different gesture than with the mouse. An item that can be dragged must activated by a tap and hold gesture. The item will change its appearance to indicate that it can be dragged once held long enough. The same gesture applies to reordering table columns. Tap and hold the column header, then drag it to reorder the columns. MySQL Support: ADF Business Components have been tested with MySQL 5.5 Improved Compression of JavaScript: By using improved obfuscation techniques, the size of the compressed ADF JavaScript libraries has decreased by an average of 20% across all libraries. http://ww...

ADF: Help my pages have dissapered from jazn-data.xml configuration

I opened my jazn-data and I had no task flows and web pages in the resource grants section. Shock and horror : I had made sure the show resource with and without grants was on (little lock and key icons) still not happening. Then I realized my mistake : ALWAYS have your Source Project set correctly to the view project mine was set to my build project. *embarrassed*

Hudson ADF ojdeploy build failure (Too many open files)

I moved our hudson server  (just zip up the $HUDSON_HOME directory and copy it across very easy) to a new redhat machine and the builds started failing with the error (Too many open files). This indicates that my open file limit has been reached for my user. - check this with the ulimit -n [this command check the users limit for open files ulimit -a to check all limits] and lsof -p <pid> | wc -l [get the pid by doing a ps -ef | grep hudson] To address this the easy way vi /etc/security/limits.conf and add/ edt the following lines (my was the default 1024): * soft nofile 2048 * hard nofile 2048

ADF : Automated testing lessons learned

Ok needed to help with some performance testing of our ADF apps login process and struggled a bit with some of the stuff so here are my findings: Firefox and Tamper Data: So so handy for catching all your post and get parameters cookies and headers. A must for automated testing to see what is going on in your app. More of a diagnostic tool. JMeter: Really really cool once I had found Chris Muirs post on setting up jmeter for ADF. (link below). You can make complicated test cases here very easily and run them any number of times in the ide. Very handy for doing volume testing. BadBoy: If you want something that will record what you are doing/ click in your browser and export your scripts to JMeter for automated testing this is the tool for you. Selenium: Holy moly this is so easy to use and test with - just fire up firefox start the s...

Nexus vs Artifactory : My experience

Nexus : Artifactory : We needed a repository manager for our maven builds and decided to evaluate  Nexus (I had used Artifactory many time before and needed no evaluation). I found the Nexus UI was slicker and easier to use than Artifactory also like the file system storage idea. Very cool product. Unfortunatley we ran into some issues the Nexus builds we were doing where slower and kept timing out and blocking the repos. (The error was : this is 3 (re)try, cause: Connection reset) NOTE: we are going through a proxy to get to the internet and could be the cause of the Nexus problem This was probably a configuration issue but I could not find a solution easily. So hi-ho hi-ho its back to Artifactory we go.

MDS Overview Link Will be posting more here once have setup my MDS repo again for dont think it is any different though.

ADF Maven : A little bit of mojo Model project

I was testing the much improved maven stuff in Jdev for my ADF project and found a couple of differences in my produced jar and the ADF ojdeploy produced one. First I needed to include the xml, jpx and properties stuff in my jar in the build\resources tag: <resource>     <directory>src/</directory>      <includes>       <include>**/*.xml</include>        <include>**/*.jpx</include>       <include>**/*.xcfg</include>       <include>**/*.properties</include>     </includes> </resource> Then I needed the adfm.xml and files all the other files where just text files so I am ignoring them for now. So for this I created a mojo plugin and included it in my build step     ...