I had implemented autosuggest on an input text field and it was all working so I moved it into our template to make it available application wide. The component stopped working (bind problem first then it would not return the value I needed into the text box). Here are the fixes.
The component is quick go button functionality with a suggest lookup to any menu link.
Bind problems solution: I needed to lookup the template binding using the current bind did not have my VO:
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
DCBindingContainer bindings =
Not returning the value solution: I had a uppercase conveter on my input text field - this was messing with my return value on the autosuggest. I removed it and it worked like magic.
The working code (note the query is limited to 5 rows in the VO with a bind variable linked to rownum):
public int getMaxSuggestionResults() {
return 5;
public List suggestGoItems(
FacesContext fctx, oracle.adf.view.rich.model.AutoSuggestUIHints hints) {
ArrayList selectItems = new ArrayList();
String submittedValue = hints.getSubmittedValue();
if(submittedValue != null && submittedValue.length() > 3) {
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
DCBindingContainer bindings =
DCIteratorBinding binding = bindings.findIteratorBinding("AutoSuggestMenuVOIterator");
HashMap variables = new HashMap();
variables.put("userCode", super.getUserCode());
variables.put("maxLimit", new Integer(getMaxSuggestionResults()));
variables.put("searchName", submittedValue.toUpperCase());
ADFUtils.setBindVariables(binding.getViewObject(), variables);
Row[] rows = binding.getAllRowsInRange();
for(Row row : rows) {
Object action = row.getAttribute("Action");
String name = (String) row.getAttribute("Name");
selectItems.add(new SelectItem(action, name));
return selectItems;
public boolean isGoEnabled() {
return goValue != null && goValue.length() > 3;
public String getGoValue() {
return goValue;
public void setGoValue(String goValue) {
this.goValue = goValue;
public String performGo() {
ExternalContext eCtx = JSFUtils.getExternalContext();
//sql query to get the destination
String destination = MenuUtility.getDestinationBasedOnKey(goValue, "name");
if(destination != null) {
String contextPath = ((HttpServletRequest) eCtx.getRequest()).getContextPath();
try {
logger.debug("redirectUrl=[" + contextPath + destination + "]");
eCtx.redirect(contextPath + destination);
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.error("", e);
return null;
public static void setBindVariables(ViewObject view, Map variables) {
VariableValueManager vm = view.ensureVariableManager();
for(String key : variables.keySet()) {
vm.setVariableValue(key, variables.get(key));
So anyway here are a couple of auto suggestions for the autosuggest component:
1) I want to control the value selected so a on select method would be nice.
2) The no results found text should be easily customized.
The component is quick go button functionality with a suggest lookup to any menu link.
Bind problems solution: I needed to lookup the template binding using the current bind did not have my VO:
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
DCBindingContainer bindings =
Not returning the value solution: I had a uppercase conveter on my input text field - this was messing with my return value on the autosuggest. I removed it and it worked like magic.
The working code (note the query is limited to 5 rows in the VO with a bind variable linked to rownum):
<af:panelGroupLayout id="pt_ag12" layout="horizontal">
<af:inputText labelStyle="color: white" label="Go Link" id="pt_it7" value="#{menuBean.goValue}">
<af:autoSuggestBehavior suggestItems="#{menuBean.suggestGoItems}"
<af:commandButton text="go" id="pt_cbGo" disabled="#{menuBean.goEnabled}"
<af:commandButton text="go" id="pt_cbGo" disabled="#{menuBean.goEnabled}"
public int getMaxSuggestionResults() {
return 5;
public List
FacesContext fctx, oracle.adf.view.rich.model.AutoSuggestUIHints hints) {
String submittedValue = hints.getSubmittedValue();
if(submittedValue != null && submittedValue.length() > 3) {
BindingContext bctx = BindingContext.getCurrent();
DCBindingContainer bindings =
DCIteratorBinding binding = bindings.findIteratorBinding("AutoSuggestMenuVOIterator");
variables.put("userCode", super.getUserCode());
variables.put("maxLimit", new Integer(getMaxSuggestionResults()));
variables.put("searchName", submittedValue.toUpperCase());
ADFUtils.setBindVariables(binding.getViewObject(), variables);
Row[] rows = binding.getAllRowsInRange();
for(Row row : rows) {
Object action = row.getAttribute("Action");
String name = (String) row.getAttribute("Name");
selectItems.add(new SelectItem(action, name));
return selectItems;
public boolean isGoEnabled() {
return goValue != null && goValue.length() > 3;
public String getGoValue() {
return goValue;
public void setGoValue(String goValue) {
this.goValue = goValue;
public String performGo() {
ExternalContext eCtx = JSFUtils.getExternalContext();
//sql query to get the destination
String destination = MenuUtility.getDestinationBasedOnKey(goValue, "name");
if(destination != null) {
String contextPath = ((HttpServletRequest) eCtx.getRequest()).getContextPath();
try {
logger.debug("redirectUrl=[" + contextPath + destination + "]");
eCtx.redirect(contextPath + destination);
} catch(Exception e) {
logger.error("", e);
return null;
public static void setBindVariables(ViewObject view, Map
VariableValueManager vm = view.ensureVariableManager();
for(String key : variables.keySet()) {
vm.setVariableValue(key, variables.get(key));
So anyway here are a couple of auto suggestions for the autosuggest component:
1) I want to control the value selected so a on select method would be nice.
2) The no results found text should be easily customized.
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