I am currently playing around with some of the gauge, graph and data visualization components in ADF. At the moment it is all going well provided I drag the ADF BC components on the screen, the custom stuff takes a bit of work. Here is a silly example to show the number of days until password expiry in a gauge: JSF COMPONENT <dvt:gauge id="gauge1" gaugeType="DIAL" value="#{viewScope.dashboardBean.gaugeValue}"> <dvt:gaugeBackground> <dvt:specialEffects/> </dvt:gaugeBackground> <dvt:thresholdSet> <dvt:threshold thresholdMaxValue="5" fillColor="#ff0000"/> <dvt:threshold thresholdMaxValue="15" fillColor="#FF7F27"/> <dvt:threshold fillColor="#00ff00"/> </dvt:thresholdSet> <dvt:gaugeFrame/> <dvt:indicator/> <dvt:indicatorBase/> <dvt:gaugePlotArea/> <dvt:tickLabel/> <dvt:tickMark/...