Ok so I tried this a whole bunch of ways and this is the way I will follow from now on to save my self MUCH hassle.
What I want is a VO based SelectOneItem that has an empty selected item which is selected by default. Also the value of the SelectItem must be custom and NOT index based.
What I want is a VO based SelectOneItem that has an empty selected item which is selected by default. Also the value of the SelectItem must be custom and NOT index based.
- The Backing Bean
private String selectedCode = null;public String getSelectedCode() { return selectedCode; } public void setSelectedCode(String selectedCode) { this.selectedCode = selectedCode; }
- The jspx page
<af:selectOneChoice value="#{viewScope.yourBean.selectedCode}" label="#{viewBundle.JSPXNAME_LBL_YOURLABEL}" required="#{bindings.YourLovCode.hints.mandatory}" shortDesc="#{bindings.YourLovCode.hints.tooltip}" id="soc4" styleClass="colspec_medium" unselectedLabel="" valuePassThru="true"><af:forEach items="#{bindings.YourLOVIterator.allRowsInRange}" var="item"><f:selectItem id="si3" itemLabel="#{item.attributeValues[1]}" itemValue="#{item.attributeValues[0]}"/> </af:forEach></af:selectOneChoice>
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