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Double click call button my way

1) In your jsff page add the following tag:
<f:verbatim><input id="buttonId" type="hidden" /><verbatim>
1.1) Also add the following to the tag you want to double click:
<af:clientListener method="executeButton" type="dblClick"/>

2) Add the following javascript:
function executeButton(event) {
  var tbl = event.getSource();
  if (tbl.getSelectedRowKeys() != null) {
    var btn = 
    if (btn != null) {
      AdfActionEvent.queue(btn, false);

3) Bind your button to a backing bean:

private RichCommandToolbarButton button;
  public void setButton(RichCommandToolbarButton button){
    FacesContext fctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
      "document.getElementById(\"buttonId\").value = '"
      + editButton.getClientId(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance())
      + "'");
    this.button = button;

  public RichCommandToolbarButton getButton(){
    return button;


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