We have a tree menu that works of a hierarchical structure in the DB. Note you must have seperate iterators for the tree and the view. It will disclose and select an item in your tree based on a selection. This can be modified in various ways to get your trees jumping through hoops.
So here is the code so I dont loose it:
Java code for the find in tree method.
And just for interest sake some javascript code to work with the menu that does very little but should give you an idea.
So here is the code so I dont loose it:
<af:tree value="#{bindings.TreeRootMenuVO2.treeModel}" var="node" selectionListener="#{pageFlowScope.TreeBean.selectionListener}" rowSelection="single" id="t1" binding="#{pageFlowScope.TreeBean.menuTree}" contentDelivery="immediate" fetchSize="500"> <f:facet name="nodeStamp"> <af:outputText value="#{node}" id="ot1"/> </f:facet> </af:tree> <af:commandToolbarButton text="Find Node" id="cb5" actionListener="#{pageFlowScope.TreeBean.findInTree}"/> <af:commandToolbarButton text="JS Test" id="cb15"> <af:clientListener method="selectNode" type="click"/> </af:commandToolbarButton>Java code for the selection of an item.
public void selectionListener(SelectionEvent selectionEvent){ //Invoke standard tree selection listener invokeMethod("#{bindings.TreeRootMenuVO2.treeModel.makeCurrent}", Object.class, new Class[]{ SelectionEvent.class }, new Object[]{ selectionEvent }); RichTree rt = this.getMenuTree(); RowKeySet rks = rt.getSelectedRowKeys(); BigDecimal menuId = null; for (Object facesTreeRowKey : rks){ rt.setRowKey(facesTreeRowKey); JUCtrlHierNodeBinding root = (JUCtrlHierNodeBinding)rt.getRowData(); menuId = (BigDecimal)root.getRow().getAttribute("MenuId"); } DCIteratorBinding iter = getBindingContainer().findIteratorBinding("MenuVO1Iterator"); //this method just applies a view criteria containing just the pk to the //iterator then calls //vo.getViewCriteriaManager().removeApplyViewCriteriaName(criteriaName); applyCriteriaAndQuery(iter, "MenuVOPKCriteria", createMenuParams(menuId)); AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(formBind); }
Java code for the find in tree method.
public void findInTree(ActionEvent actionEvent) throws Exception{ // find current row in the menu iterator BigDecimal menuId = retrieveCurrentRowId(); if (menuId != null){ JUCtrlHierBinding tree = (JUCtrlHierBinding) ((CollectionModel)getMenuTree().getValue()).getWrappedData(); // Method that gets the hieracical tree for the selected item List keyPath = getBranchKeys(menuId); if (keyPath != null){ JUCtrlHierNodeBinding node = tree.findNodeByKeyPath(keyPath); List selectedKeyList = node.getKeyPath(); RowKeySet sRowKeys = menuTree.getSelectedRowKeys(); sRowKeys.clear(); sRowKeys.add(selectedKeyList); ListdisclosedKeyList = new ArrayList
(); buildDisclosedRows(node, disclosedKeyList); RowKeySet dRowKeys = menuTree.getDisclosedRowKeys(); dRowKeys.clear(); if (disclosedKeyList != null && disclosedKeyList.size() > 0){ for (Object disclosedItemList : disclosedKeyList){ dRowKeys.add(disclosedItemList); } } AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(menuTree); } } } private void buildDisclosedRows(JUCtrlHierNodeBinding node, List
keyList){ JUCtrlHierNodeBinding parent = node.getParent(); if (parent != null && parent.getKeyPath() != null){ buildDisclosedRows(parent, keyList); } keyList.add(node.getKeyPath()); }
And just for interest sake some javascript code to work with the menu that does very little but should give you an idea.
<af:resource type="javascript"> function selectNode(evt) { //Get instance of AdfRichTree.js var tree = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("t1"); var srks = tree.getSelectedRowKeys(); var firstRowKey; for (rowKey in srks){ firstRowKey = rowKey; alert("idx:::" + firstRowKey); break; } if (tree.isPathExpanded(firstRowKey)){ tree.setDisclosedRowKey(firstRowKey,false); tree.setDisclosedRowKey(7,true); var keys = new Array[1]; keys[0] = 7; tree.getSelectedRowKeys(keys); //tree.setValue(7); } } </af:resource>If you need any other code that I have left out just shout.
Please give full sample, I have a lot of problems in it :(