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Showing posts from May, 2012

ADF Table dependant list select one choice : Thing I learned being stupid final

It ended up the source of all my problems was an invalid long to string conversion while rendering my select items. So if you are having endless hassles with a dependent select box in a table try this when you are rendering the lists to make sure you are not rendering a string and matching on long or int:     public List convertItem(List dataItems) {         ArrayList covertedList = new ArrayList ();         if (dataItems != null) {             for (Site dataItem : dataItems) {                 SelectItem item = new SelectItem(new String(dataItem.getId()), dataItem.getDescription());                 covertedList.add(item);             }  ...

ADF Dependant select items in a table: Things I learned being stupid

Hard hard thing to do - table of dependant select items that you can add new rows to. (backing bean driven) (When you add a new row it keeps values from the previous row) In my search for the answer I made an forEach act like a table - by using the f:attribute to pass through the current row - crazy but I hopw this helps someone sometime. Stuff I learned             <af:selectOneChoice label="#{labelBundle['choice_lbl']}"                                 id="soc1" value="#{row.choiceId}"                                 valueChangeListener="#{pageFlowScope.testBean.choiceValueChange}"                                 required="true"                     ...

ADF Defaulting a backing bean driven select: Thing I learned being stupid 1

Jdeveloper Ok, I had a selectonechoice that was driven by a pojo data control and I just couldn't get its value defaulted. The following is what I learned along the way and my unique solution: Drag and drop the item onto the page as a single choice selectonechoice: Add a variable to your page binding (open your page and click on the bindings tab - right click on variables under Executables - insert inside variables - select variable - Name:selectedItemValue Type: java.lang.Object Then click on Page definition file and update the variable you just added and add these attributes DefaultValue=" #{} " IsUpdateable="2". NOTE: the bold bit must be the value you want to default to. Or you can just paste the xml like such: <variable Type="java.lang.Integer" Name="selectedItemValue" DefaultValue="#{}" IsUpdateable="2" /> ...

SoapUI start mocks on project load

I wanted to find where you can set all your mocks to load on start up of your project: 1) Double click on your project 2) Click on the Load Script tab 3) Place the below script in the Script section. Press the play button to test  The Script for( ms in project.mockServiceList ) {     // open window     def dp = ms )     // start mockservice     ms.start()     // minimize window     com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI.desktop.minimize( dp ) } Information found at soap ui forum:

ANT Jdeveloper what it really calls

I was wondering what Jdeveloper did in the background while running ant because I wanted to replicate exactly what was happening in JDev. So I set the ant run task to debug and passed in an invalid argument ant the following was the output: java -classpath %ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\jdev\lib\ojc.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\jdev\lib\ant-rt.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\ant\lib\ant-antlr.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\ant\lib\ant-apache-bcel.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\ant\lib\ant-apache-bsf.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\ant\lib\ant-apache-log4j.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\ant\lib\ant-apache-oro.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdeveloper\ant\lib\ant-apache-regexp.jar;%ORACLE_HOME%\jdevelop...

Using Soap UI to test services

I needed to test a screen that was backed by services and it was suggested that I use soapUI. I haven't used soapUI for a while now and was surprised to see mock service functionality. Mock Service ( ) So first take the wsdl you have and generate a mock service using soap ui. Create a new project: File Menu > Create new soapUI project. Select the wsdl you will be working with. Right click on the new Binding and select Generate MockService Press ok twice. Right click on the new Mock and select Start minimized. Ok I like using the Query Match functionality it just works for my brain: You can create as many mock responses as you like and edit the xml response as you wish. You the add Query matches for each of your responses based on data passed in. The xpath bit is the matching rules The expected value is the value to match on in the incoming message Last dropdown is the response you choose to retur...