Step 1) Add your custom filter to the column filter facet. <f:facet name="filter"> <af:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{backingBean.customfilter}" id="id99"/> </f:facet> Step 2) Create the getters and setters in your backing bean public Boolean getCustomfilter(){ Boolean returnobj = null; Object filterValue = super.getFilterValue("AttributeName"); if (filterValue != null){ returnobj = ("Y".equalsIgnoreCase(filterValue.toString())) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } return returnobj; } public void setCustomfilter(Boolean deletefilter){ String value = filter == null ? null : (deletefilter) ? "Y" : "N"; super.setFilterValue(value, "AttributeName"); } NOTE: Dates Filtered Dates with timestamps in ADF dont work very nicely if you just want to filter by date. So your can modify the date f...
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