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Showing posts from 2014

ADF : getSelectedRowKeys only returning one row

Remove the attribute selectedRowKeys off the af:table selectedRowKeys="#{bindings.AccountList.collectionModel.selectedRow}"  <af:table value="#{bindings.AccountList.collectionModel}" var="row"                   rowBandingInterval="1" contentDelivery="immediate"                   filterVisible="true" varStatus="vs"                   selectedRowKeys="#{bindings.AccountList.collectionModel.selectedRow}"                   selectionListener="#{bindings.AccountList.collectionModel.makeCurrent}"                   rowSelection="multiple" id="t1" columnSelection="single"                   queryListener="#{bindings.AccountListQuery.processQuery}"                   .....

IE 11 problem workaround - file names messed up

Note: patch 18277370  needed for to run ie 11 All our download links on ie 11 file names looked like they have been url encoded something like: UTF-8_Q_Bobs=5FBooks=2Epdf= Really irritating for our users so the quick and dirty for now was to modify (luckily all our download code is common) our download method to reset the headers on the response. On our button we add the following: <af:fileDownloadActionListener filename="test.txt"     contentType="application/octet-stream"     method="#{bean.startDownload}"/> And we add a property to the request that contains the ucm path like such:   <af:setPropertyListener from="/ucm/path/here"                                       to="#{requestScope.ucmCurrentDocument}"      ...

MDS: Update script - NOT RECOMMENDED

For my use only don't use this without understanding what you are doing. I had a bunch of old MDS features in my menu which was causing our menu to collapse on login. (The collapse feature was set to not persist so the users had no way of fixing this). Instead of writing code or purging all settings from MDS for that page I decided on a data fix. Forgive my sql skills this was a quick and dirty. SCHEMA: ???_MDS TABLE :  MDS_ATTRIBUTES - this is where all the mds configuration is kept for each item and attribute. TABLE :  MDS_PATHS - this is where the file name for the resource you are looking for is kept. (ie page.jsff) you can also find the user in the path so you can do this for a specific user. DECLARE     v_content_id MDS_PATHS.PATH_CONTENTID%TYPE;     v_col_seq MDS_ATTRIBUTES.ATT_COMP_SEQ%TYPE;     CURSOR v_path_cursor IS       SELECT pa.PATH_CONTENTID FROM MDS_PATHS pa WHERE pa.PATH_PARTITION_ID = 3 AND PA....

Web Center Content : quick status update

This is not recommended: I really needed a document to go from status Done to status Released for a presentation on our training environment and did not have time to restore. (Our indexer was broken because we had files missing due to a db restore but no file system restore) (In the ???_OCS schema) Step 1) Find the revision   SELECT * FROM REVISIONS where ddocname = '1390427192270' Step 2) Update the revision based on did UPDATE REVISIONS SET DSTATUS = 'RELEASED', DRELEASESTATE = 'Y', DRELEASEDATE = SYSDATE where did = 109336; Now I could search for the document yay! Errors found in the logs: Universal Content Management - Content Server Indexing aborted. An error occurred during indexing. [APP: Oracle Universal Content Management - Content Server] general exception[[ intradoc.common.ServiceException: !csIndexerRenameFailedAbort         at intradoc.indexer.CommonIndexerBulkLoader.handleLoadError(  ...

What helps me with ADF development

UI FireBug - Colors - Gimp - Fiddler - Selenium - Build Jenkins Maven Ant Cobetura, PMD, checkstyle Other JIRA Confluence JMeter “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” - Martin Golding

BI Publisher : Desktop Installation

Ok so I have 64-bit windows 7, Word 2007 32-bit, 64 bit jrockit I got an error installing the desktop - said I needed jre 1.6 or above. So I went to - and downloaded the latest version 7 64bit vm installed this and then installed the 32-bit bi desktop msi. Everything worked from there.

ADF: dvt:hierarchy viewer not working

A screen of ours that worked in a sub project would not render in our main web center project. The only clue was that it was a dvt:hierarchy screen and the screen just stayed loading all the time. To make a long story sort someone had set  disabled in the ADF config file - set it to  downgrade and all was good.