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Showing posts from February, 2013

Tuning ojdepoy memory settings etc

Ojdeploy uses /jdev/bin/jdev.conf which in turn uses /ide/bin/ide.conf do any changes made here will make an impact on ojdeploy. If you want to add something to improve performance extra memory or different gc try changing these files and see if it makes any difference for you: Example: AddVMOption -Xmx3G AddVMOption -Xms1G AddVMOption -Xgc:throughput Also I have found when using an ant task to call ojdeploy the less you invoke it the better the performance - so I guess an exec with a buildfile would work the fastest. - yet to take metrics so don't quote me on this just yet...

Warning: weblogic.servlet.internal.dd.compliance.ComplianceException: The filter-mapping with url-pattern="/oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages/*" must specify a non-empty filter-name.

Somehow I managed to delete the webCenterLoginCountFilter from my web.xml and was getting a warning when I tried to compile adding the filter back solved problem. Warning: weblogic.servlet.internal.dd.compliance.ComplianceException: The filter-mapping with url-pattern="/oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages/*" must specify a non-empty filter-name. into production

We implemented PS5 (from PS3) into production this weekend and all seems to be going smoothly. I have got to say this has been one of the better ADF/ Webcenter upgrades I have done. Lets hope 12c is around the corner for another challenge.

ADF: Minor PS3 - PS5 bug

I could not access the security tab on my Webcenter admin console and was getting a  error which was cause by: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException     at (     at   We have a mapping from JNDI role to Administrator and it had this under members of the app role: <member>   <class></class>  <name>Administrators</name> </member> Removed this and all is good again. Reference :

MANIFEST.MF merge JDeveloper for an executable jar

Goto your project > properties. Then click on deployment in the menu. Edit or add a jar deployment profile. Fill in the details under jar options (select Include manifest and give it a main class name) Also remember that the merge functionality only works with a BLANK line at the end of the merge file. REALLY this caught me. My merge file contents: Class-Path: commons-codec-1.3.jar [...empty line here CRLF...]

Webcenter folder not working NullPointerException

Our WebCenter portal has a custom menu and when clicking on a folder link I got an empty popup then next click a NullPointerException. Fix just added a check and disable the links we where using if they are not navigable. <af:commandLink id="mnuCbx"       actionListener="#{navigationBean.processAction}"       blocking="true" action="pprnav"       disabled="#{!node.navigable}">     <af:outputText value="#{node.title}" id="pt_ot2"/>     <f:attribute name="node" value="#{node}"/>     <f:attribute name="treeLink" value="#{true}"/> </af:commandLink> Very cool document - set of expressions for web center and an explanation