This was hard to fix: if anyone wants the code just ask. Or if you have a better solution please post comment. Once excel export has been clicked if we navigate around using ppr to refresh the region we get this error. I was forced to create an export handler tag wich forces the export to happen in a new window. Because this page is getting some hits here is some of the code (also use this method for pdf export): Button with new listener: (xmlns:new="" in your jsp:root) <af:commandToolbarButton text="Export" id="ctb1" immediate="true" partialSubmit="true" icon="images/excel.jpg"> <new:myExportCollectionActionListener exportedId="audTab" type="excelHTML" filename="audit.xls" title="Audit"/> </af:commandToolbarButton> TAG: import oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.export.ExportCollectionActionListener; import oracle.adfin...
The Incident Archive: A blog to store my knowledge on the errors that I fix on a daily basis