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Showing posts from May, 2010

JBO Exception: could not validate all transctions

1) Enable logging: on your view project goto propeties (right click). Click Run/Debug/Profile. Edit default. add these Java Options: -Djbo.debugoutput=console -Ddatasource.verbose=true 2) Make sure that the data types match if you are programmatically creating rows etc. - ie dont use java.util.Date use java.sql.Date.


Q) Where do I add a managed bean or a view? adfc-config Q) Where can I add a phase listener? A) faces-config.xml Q) My BC stuff is not showing up on the screen: Check that you have configured your security setting correctley: 1) Application Resources\Descriptors\META-INF 2) Open jazn-data.xml 3) Click on ADF Policies tab 4) Make sure your flow and page have rights (to test just add all rights (green plus button) to valid_user)