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Showing posts from April, 2010

JSF Phase Listener for ADF

Make sure you hook into the After Phase method on RESTORE_VIEW otherwise the adf context will not have been initialized. public void afterPhase(PhaseEvent phaseEvent) {    System.out.println("___________________________________ -after phase is logged in " + isLoggedIn()); } private boolean isLoggedIn() {     if (ADFContext.getCurrent() == null ||     ADFContext.getCurrent().getSecurityContext() == null ||     ADFContext.getCurrent().getSecurityContext().getUserName() == null ||     ANONYMOUS_USERNAME.equalsIgnoreCase(ADFContext.getCurrent().getSecurityContext().getUserName()))     {         return false;     }     ADFContext.getCurrent().getSecurityContext().getUserName());     return true; }

ORA-03115 typo

ORA-03115: Unsupported network datatype or representation - dont do the following: (send the query in on creation and execution) statement = transaction.createPreparedStatement( query , DBTransaction.DEFAULT); ResultSet resultset = statement.executeQuery( query ); What was I thinking...

Oracle ADF

My thinking so far after one day of use and no training is a project team for ADF can include you forms developers but you really need one or two excellent java developer to get through.

Weblogic Custom Authentication Provider Error

If you are not getting your login exception set in javax.servlet.error.exception : try reordering your custom provider to the top of the provider list in the Weblogic Admin Console. Just a quick note: If you are having a hard time propogating the cause of your weblogic errors that are thrown from your custom provider try this before you throw them: protected static void throwException(boolean propagateCauseForLoginException, LoginException e, Throwable cause) throws LoginException { if (propagateCauseForLoginException) { e.initCause(cause); } throw e; }